Exploring using the ping attribute for click tracking
The click tracking method used today has some clear downsides. Can the ping tag attribute be used instead?
News and updates from the Email Markup Consortium team
The click tracking method used today has some clear downsides. Can the ping tag attribute be used instead?
An update on how our efforts on getting email clients onboard our vision is going, the positives that reignite our motivations and the challenges ahead of us.
Since launching the EMC's annual accessibility report, we’ve seen a number of large vendors taking actions to improve the accessibility of their tools.
In webmail clients, media queries don't do what you ask them to. Can container queries solve this?
Email clients processing of HTML emails change and evolve. With no standards to follow, what happens to the rendering of old email messages?
Display emails in a more readable format. Remove clutter and complicated layouts to help focus on reading the content of emails.
How and why we are ranking email clients feature support using data from Can I Email?
Accessibility issues in HTML emails can be introduced in various ways, and sometimes you are not in full control of the HTML that is sent to the user.
On May 2022, Microsoft announced the new Outlook for Windows, a version that will have a huge positive impact in the email space. Learn how this version is expected to impact the industry.
Why is the Email Markup Consortium is collecting HTMl emails, and how is this data used?
What is the Email Markup Consortium, and why has it been founded